We sell over 600 varieties of plastic extrusions, such as PVC Channels and PVC Profiles. These come in both rigid and flexible plastic, which are used across numerous sectors, including manufacturing and construction, shopfitting, office partitioning, events and exhibitions.
PVC has many characteristics that mean it is a versatile and useful material. It is hardwearing, low maintenance, economical and does not biologically decompose. However, it is important to consider the environmental impact. As it does not decompose, recycling plastics for further use is paramount.
Recycling PVC
PVC is a great material for recycling due to its adaptability. Indeed, in the London 2012 Olympics it was decided that temporary parts of the stadia be made from PVC due its functional properties and capacity for recycling. Indeed it can be recycled around seven times over its life span of 140 years. Compared with alternatives, PVC has a number of features that render it a sustainable option.
A Sustainable Approach
Compared with other materials, PVC is a low-carbon option in that it both consumes less primary energy and is easier to recycle. Furthermore, products manufactured using PVC are incredibly long lasting and require less maintenance and repair. For example, a protective layering in cars guards against water and corrosion. This helps conserve natural resources and combat climate change.
ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System
At MKM we are conscious of minimising our impact on the environment and since 2002 we have been accredited with the internationally recognised environmental standard ISO 14001. We are currently using version ISO 14001:2004. This is the most widely used environmental management system (EMS) in the world, with over 14,000 organizations certified in the UK and over 250,000 certificates issued globally. Maintaining this accreditation helps us control our environmental aspects, prevent pollution, reduce impacts, manage corporate responsibility and ensures legal compliance.
Our PVC Profiles
If you are interested in our PVC Channels or any other products from our extensive range, we have a secure online plastic extrusions shop. MKM is also a recognised provider of custom plastic extrusions with over thirty years' experience. For more information, see our custom extrusion section or find out more about our excellent service by calling 01208 873566. We are available Monday-Friday, 9am- 5pm.